What is a Sentence Fragment and Examples to Identify One.

Today we look at the meaning of a sentence fragment and learn how to identify them with the help of examples.

Are you a student learning English? Are you looking for something in your corporate career? But the first and foremost thing that you need to learn in English is proper sentence formation and grammar.

No one can escape the basic high school English learning process without being penalized form sentence fragments. But since it’s been not everyone remembers how to fix them.

If we put it simply, then a sentence fragment is basically a clause that lacks true sentence just because it is missing one of the most critical points of a sentence: a subject, a verb, and the meaningful formation.

Sometimes we fail to recognize that a sentence fragment might present an incomplete thought. You must be careful that all the words of the series need to be capital at the beginning of the sentence and the ending punctuation along with voila.

Yes, it might look as if a sentence but it does not have its meaning. A sentence must have an independent clause which would represent the entire story even when you isolate it from the context.


What Do You Mean By a Sentence Fragment?

Generally, in English Grammar, a sentence fragment is a group of words that look like sentences but they do not have proper meaning to it. In this group of words, there has to be at least one independent clause.

If you see an independent clause then you would see that it contains both a subject and a verb. Also, it imparts a proper meaning to the sentence.

Sentence Fragments do not have independent clauses, they are depended on other clauses for getting a proper meaning. These fragments can masquerade as a real sentence just because they begin with capital letter and end with a period.

You can easily make out a sentence fragment as they do not form a complete thought. You would see it as a par of puzzle that needs to be completed by adding other relevant parts to it.


Easy Examples of Sentence Fragments

Read them and notice that they sound incorrect, and cannot be used alone.

  1. Before to go out of this class.
  2. Once we leave for the market.
  3. From afternoon until midnight.
  4.  Some students in our class.
  5.  Don’t know about him.
  6.  Start after this movie.


Now, you have known what is a sentence fragment and why it needs to be avoided while writing any document. With EnglishBix, you can easily know how to identify a sentence fragment and also how to fix it effectively.

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