Today at EnglishBix let’s explore the list of words beginning with consonant digraphs. Here is a word list containing words starting with digraphs – ch, th, sh, wh, and ph, respectively.
Ch Phonics Words List
Following is a list of more than 50+ words starting with ‘CH’.
Chap | char | chat | chew |
chin | chit | chimpanzee | chicken |
chisel | chop | chow | chug |
champ | chain | chair | chalk |
chant | charm | chart | chase |
cheese | chest | child | children |
cheers | cheer | check | cheek |
check | cheque | checkers | chess |
chief | chili | chimp | chime |
chirp | choke | chump | chute |
church | chance | change | cherry |
chariot | charity | chimney | cheetah |
checker | chocolate | champion | Challenge |
charming | chilling | chandelier | chubby |
cheeseburger | cheap | cheat | chipmunk |
chore | chapter | cheddar | china |
chinese | chairman | channel | chamber |
charitable | chant | churn | childish |
chapel | charmer | championship | childlike |
chuck | chunk | choice | chuckle |
chum | chatter | Cholera | chlorophyll |
chlorofluorocarbons | chloroform | chlorine | chef |
chord | chime | chemo | chemotherapy |
chafe | chaos | chaotic | chorus |
chronic | chutney | chainman | chatroom |
chestnut | chemical | chemist | chemistry |
charisma | chromium | chipotle | chickpea |
chlamydia | chopstick | childhood | champagne |
Th Sound Phonics Words List
Following is a list of more than 50+ words starting with ‘TH’.
the | than | then | that |
this | though | thought | thick |
thin | thirst | thank | thanks |
thankful | third | three | thaw |
thump | thud | thief | theatre |
their | there | them | them |
thermal | thermos | thing | these |
they | thigh | thimble | thermometer |
thirsty | thorn | throb | thirty |
thorough | thirteen | throat | throne |
throw | threw | thumb | thrift |
thrill | thriller | thread | thrown |
throttle | thunder | thursday | therapy |
therapist | therapeutic | thrash | thwart |
thrush | thrust | thy | thee |
thug | those | thrive | thriving |
thinker | thinking | thawing | thousand |
thankless | thickness | thumbtack | thinner |
thicken | thorny | thoughtful | thus |
therefore | thou | theory | theoretical |
threat | threatening | thesis | thorax |
thrice | thyroid | theorem | theology |
thalamus | threader | throbbed | thesaural |
thesaurus | threefold | thirtieth | thighbone |
thornback | thornbush | thumbhole | thumbholes |
thumbnail | throwback | thermostat | thunderous |
thousandth | thumbprint | threadworm | thoughtless |
thunderbolt | thermostatic | thanksgiving | thermosphere |
Sh Sound Phonics Words List
Following is a list of words starting with ‘SH’.
shy | shin | shed | shirt |
shout | shelf | sheep | shrimp |
shark | share | she | shun |
show | shown | ship | shoe |
shoes | shoot | shooter | shop |
shopping | shake | shade | share |
shot | shame | shave | sheet |
shell | shook | shock | shadow |
shower | shove | shovel | shore |
shut | short | shine | shortest |
shorter | sharp | sharpshooter | sharpen |
sharpener | shallow | shampoo | shelter |
shiver | sheriff | shoelace | shortcake |
shoulder | should | shutdown | shrill |
shall | shuttle | shield | sheen |
sham | shack | shift | shape |
shepherd | shamrock | shale | shops |
shawl | shrug | shiksa | shapen |
shaman | shrewd | shroud | shalom |
sheath | shrine | shotgun | shipman |
showman | shutout | showtime | shootout |
shoutout | showreel | shinbone | shipment |
showcase | shortage | showdown | showroom |
shoplift | Shackles | shoemaker | shoreline |
shellfire | shellfish | shootdown | shutterbug |
shenanigan | shareholder | showstopper | shirtwaist |
shirtmaker | sheepberry | shadowgraph | shadowboxing |
shiftlessness | shamelessness | shapelessness | shamefulness |
Wh Beginning Sound Words List
Following is a list of words starting with ‘WH’.
why | what | where | when |
whose | whosoever | which | who |
whale | white | whip | whirl |
whom | whole | whatever | whichever |
wherever | whenever | wharf | wheat |
wheel | wheelchair | wheelbarrow | whether |
whew | whiff | while | whim |
whine | whinny | whirlpool | whisk |
whisker | whisper | whistle | whitener |
whey | whoop | whack | whilst |
whisky | whoops | wheeze | wheezing |
whoosh | whiten | whereas | whereby |
wherein | whittle | whither | whimper |
whereof | whatnot | whopping | whopper |
wheaten | whereto | whining | whomever |
whiptail | wheelie | wheelies | wholesale |
wholesome | whereupon | whirlwind | whitewash |
wherefore | whereunto | whereinto | wheelsmen |
wholistic | wholeness | whatsoever | whomsoever |
whitesmith | whensoever | whereabout | whimsical |
wholehearted | Whitewashing | whimsicality | whithersoever |
wholesomeness | Wholeheartedly | wholesome | Wholesomely |
whiteness | whitesmith | whickering | whinstone |
whalebone | whisperer | whispering | whithersoever |
whitewashing | whitethroat | wholesaling | whirlybird |
whirlybirds | whitebeard | whitebeards | whimpering |
whitewall | whipstock | whereunto | wheelless |
wherewith | wheatear | wheatears | wheatland |
Ph Sound Phonics Words List
Following is a list of words starting with ‘PH’.
phew | phone | phase | photo |
photos | phony | phono | phrase |
phoebe | photon | phenom | phobia |
phenol | phenyl | phobic | phlegm |
phylum | physic | phonic | phloem |
phoenix | physics | physical | physicist |
physique | physicality | phantom | phonic |
phonics | pharnyx | phrases | photography |
photographs | photographer | pharoah | pharmacy |
pharmaceutical | pharmacist | pheasant | phonetic |
phosphorous | phosphor | phantasm | phimosis |
Photomap | photoset | photonic | photosynthetic |
photosythesis | physician | photocopy | photocopier |
photocell | phonology | photogram | phototube |
phrasings | phonologic | phonically | philosophy |
philosopher | phenomenon | philanthropy | philanthropist |
photogenic | photodiode | phonograph | photometer |
photolysis | photojournalist | photojournalism | pharmacotherapy |
photodegradable | photosynthesize | philanthropical | pharmaceuticals |
physiotherapy | Physiographical | physiography | photobiology |
photobiological | photofinishing | photochemistry | photoreceptor |
photoreception | photoreceptors | photosensitive | phenomenal |
phenomenalist | photocomposer | photoelectron | photoreduction |
photoreaction | phytopathogen | photoemission | phylogenetic |
photonuclear | philadelphia | photoproduct | photocopying |
physicalist | photosphere | phonically | pheromone |
phalange | phalanges | philander | phonetist |
phenetics | Phloem | phyton | physis |
Keep exploring EnglishBix for quality resources on phonics for your kids to help them get better at learning proper pronunciation of words.